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I would like to welcome you to the established site to end Domestic Violence for both Men and Women in the United States and abroad. Welcoming both Men and Women who have been victims of this violent activity, which there is no such government program has been established. We must pressure with honesty to have a government program established for both Men and Women to end this boy vs. girl of activism and form a movement for victims of domestic violence affected by both men and women. As head of this cause, I wish to form a committee in overseeing operations to avoid overworking by the U.S. government and to keep track of other activity to inform others and survivors of Domestic Violence, while it is changing into new forms, that haven't been categorized as domestic violence. We also want the U.S. Government to pass a bill that execute investigations and informs both sides of the activity till proven who was guilty and thorough work, through the use of polygraphs machin